Keeping up with the trends
Heino Cordes has converted the farm to organic farming according to Bioland criteria and dedicates himself with much joy and passion to all these challenges, including the preservation and promotion of soil health. Today, sustainable diversity is at the heart of the farm managed by Heino and his son Morten. The good clayey soils, the right amount of precipitation and valuable fertiliser from suckler cow husbandry allow special crops to flourish. “The special crops we currently grow include fennel, peppermint, balm, nettle, apple mint and wild flowers,” says Heino. “At the moment, we are also fully focusing on trends in order to achieve higher added value,” adds son Morten. After mint, which is dried and then suitable for making tea, that is in demand the most. You can smell it because the whole environment around the farm only smells of mint.